Monday, June 04, 2007


There is no bilateral problem between Morocco and Algeria over the Sahara, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika said on Wednesday.There is no problem between Morocco and Algeria over the Sahara, and Algiers will respect the result of the referendum that the United Nations plans to hold in the Sahara, Bouteflika told the Japanese Asahi Shimbun daily.The United Nations intends to hold in July, 2000 a self-determination referendum in the Sahara to determine whether the former Spanish colony, retrieved by Morocco in 1975 under the Madrid accords sets up on its own or remains part of Morocco.President Bouteflika also dwelt on the recent positive evolutions in Moroccan-Algerian relations, noting that Rabat and Algiers share a strong will to endeavor for the triumph of neighborliness and cooperation and for the speeding up of the Maghreban integration process."This process was already started with the late King Hassan II, and it is for me a moral duty to harbor the same trust and feelings of brotherhood and friendship for his successor (King Mohammed VI)," President Bouteflika said.Moroccan-Algerian relations have been tangibly improving since the election of Abdelaziz Bouteflika last April.Bouteflika and the late King Hassan II were expected to meet to translate into reality the growing rapprochement between the two neighbor states and pave the way for the reactivation of the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA, mustering Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia).


Jerjes I, (519-465 a.C.) King of Persia from 485 to 465 a.C., son of Darío I and Atosa, after to have dominated the revolt of Egypt, continued the projects of its father, invaded the Atica and it seized of Athens, but it was won in Salamina and it had to flee to Asia, in 465 year a.C was assassinated by its Artábano vizier, who promoted the ascent of Artajerjes I to the throne of the empire.


Podcasting “podcast” is like a subscription to audio magazine: the subscriber receives regular programs of audio via Internet so that he can listen to them in his free time. The word is a combination of two terms: iPod (device for music) and broadcasting (distribution of audio, video…). The Podcasts differs from traditional the method of audio by Internet in two things. In the past, the listeners had to listen to the radio in Internet within a schedule or, they had to lower to individual archives from pages Web. The Podcasts is more flexible and easier to operate. The users can at any time listen to a song in the computer or in a portable device of music and the songs are given to the subscribers automatically, if who are necessary to unload music previously. The Podcasting has a functionality similar to TiVo (it allows to reproduce programs outside his schedule of emission).